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Intelligent Systems can add two big players to their reference list: The meat processing group Fatland in Norway and DYNATEC AS who develops and delivers manufacturing solutions for the food industry.

The Fatland factory in Sandefjord has a new automated storage and palletizing system supplied by Norwegian DYNATEC, to whom Intelligent Systems has delivered the WMS/WCS (warehouse management system / warehouse control system) that controls the entire installation. The plant handles a wide range of beef products and the WMS/WCS provides the intelligence that ensures the production proceeds as planned and ensures best possible efficiency. Both DYNATEC and Intelligent Systems have been working closely with DanSupply on the delivery.

The supplied storage, the palletizing system and the controls minimize manual errors and reduce waste. They also provide a detailed stock overview and increase safety. At the same time, the automatic palletizing system increases notably the productivity and minimizes the cost significantly.

The new solution in Sandefjord ensures that employees are free to do other tasks and improves the working environment, as heavy lifting and repetitive work is minimized. A better and safer working environment reduces the number of occupational injuries and sick leave.

See DYNATECs video from the factory here:


Intelligent Systems AS